Eagles Participate at Palmetto State
In June, we had a few of our Eagles take part in both APA Palmetto Girls State (Clinton, SC) and Palmetto Boys State (Anderson, SC). This is a unique experience that allows highschool students to participate in a mock governmental system to learn more about American politics and leadership. To be chosen as a participant is an honor, and FCS is proud of Camila Canavati, Caleb Forehand, Caleb Howell, and Jackson McGregor for receiving this opportunity!
The American Legion Auxiliary Palmetto Girls State was an experience of a lifetime that I am forever grateful for. That special week allowed me to further grow into the young woman I am today while simultaneously building amazing connections that I will never forget.
It was life changing. I was challenged to step outside my comfort zone to network with other boys from across the state through team building and leadership activities.
Palmetto Boys State was such an eye-opening experience that allowed me to build bonds and strengthen myself alongside some of the top male students in the state. I’m forever grateful for this experience and the lessons I learned and the life-long friends that I made.