6th Grade Creation Museum Field Trip

We loaded 2 charter buses on April 29th, to head to Kentucky for our 6th Grade Adventure!

It was an unforgettable trip! We drove all the way to Cincinnati, Ohio and spent two nights there.  On Wednesday, we enjoyed the Creation Museum where we explored God’s creation from a biblical worldview.  That afternoon we went to the Purple People Bridge where we were able to walk across the Ohio River, and at one point able to stand with one foot in Kentucky and the other foot in Ohio. 

On Thursday we enjoyed a visit to the Ark Encounter.  We were able to view the life size replica of the ark (that God instructed Noah to build), see how Noah’s lived, and the many jobs they had to do from day to day. We enjoyed our lunch at Emzara’s Buffet before enjoying the zoo and camel rides.  Thursday, we drove  back to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, where we spent Thursday night,  We arrived back home on Friday, safe and sound.

Thank you FCS for allowing us to go on this adventure!

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