Classroom Community
Third Grade teacher Mrs. Heather Scharadin informs us why the community surrounding and filling our classrooms is so drastic to a student’s educational experience.
Classroom community is the key to bridging the gap between
home and school. Building good relationships with your
students and their families creates the community students
need to not only succeed but to thrive in their learning
Parents want to know what is going on in their child’s
classroom. They don’t get to experience what their child does
during the many hours a day that they aren’t with them. I have
found in my 13 years of teaching that if I open up, clearly
communicate with them, and include them in our adventure,
that they are appreciative and willing to partner up and help
their child in anyway needed.
Much in the same, a teacher must clearly communicate what
she expects from her students as well. While clear expectations
are needed, it is even more important for a teacher to
communicate their love to their students. If a student feels
loved and encouraged they will strive to go the extra mile in the
Let’s build our classroom communities like Jesus did. He is
the perfect example of clear communication, love, and
consistency. We are the hands and feet of Jesus.
Communication, love, and consistency are the perfect
ingredients to make for an enjoyable and successful school
year. Let’s build our classroom communities like Jesus did. He is
the perfect example of clear communication, love, and
consistency. We are the hands and feet of Jesus. When my
students and their families watch how I run my classroom; I
want my actions to point them to Him.
Heather Scharadin
3rd Grade FCS Teacher
Do you see the value in a school family that shares the same biblical priorities as your home?